Volume Charge Density Converter Tool


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It is used when the electric charge is uniformly distributed throughout a given volume, and is expressed in units of coulombs per cubic meter (C/m 3 ). To calculate volume charge density, divide the total electric charge present within a specified volume by the volume itself. The formula for volume charge density is: ρ = Q / V Where:

Volume charge density is a scalar value, which describes the charge per unit of volume of a body. All bodies can be divided into positively, negatively, or neutrally charged, depending on the numbers of positively, negatively, and neutrally charged particles inside these bodies.

If a spherical conductor of radius R contains Q amount of charge inside its volume, then the formula for the volume charge density of the sphere is, \color {Blue}\rho=\frac {Q} {\frac {4} {3}\pi R^ {3}} ρ = 34πR3Q ……… (2)


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