Velocity - Angular Converter Tool


Complete list of velocity - angular units for conversion

radian/second [rad/s]

  • 1 radian/day [rad/d] = 1.15741E-5 radian/second [rad/s]
    radian/day to radian/second, radian/second to radian/day
  • 1 radian/hour [rad/h] = 0.0002777778 radian/second [rad/s]
    radian/hour to radian/second, radian/second to radian/hour
  • 1 radian/minute [rad/min] = 0.0166666667 radian/second [rad/s]
    radian/minute to radian/second, radian/second to radian/minute
  • 1 degree/day [°/d] = 2.0200570046231E-7 radian/second [rad/s]
    degree/day to radian/second, radian/second to degree/day
  • 1 degree/hour [°/h] = 4.8481368110954E-6 radian/second [rad/s]
    degree/hour to radian/second, radian/second to degree/hour
  • 1 degree/minute [°/min] = 0.0002908882 radian/second [rad/s]
    degree/minute to radian/second, radian/second to degree/minute
  • 1 degree/second [°/s] = 0.0174532925 radian/second [rad/s]
    degree/second to radian/second, radian/second to degree/second
  • 1 revolution/day [r/d] = 7.27221E-5 radian/second [rad/s]
    revolution/day to radian/second, radian/second to revolution/day
  • 1 revolution/hour [r/h] = 0.0017453293 radian/second [rad/s]
    revolution/hour to radian/second, radian/second to revolution/hour
  • 1 revolution/minute [r/min] = 0.1047197551 radian/second [rad/s]
    revolution/minute to radian/second, radian/second to revolution/minute
  • 1 revolution/second [r/s] = 6.2831853072 radian/second [rad/s]
    revolution/second to radian/second, radian/second to revolution/second

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Conversion between units: A good angular velocity calculator should have built-in unit conversion capabilities, which allow users to input linear velocity and radius measurements in various units (such as meters per second, revs per minute, or miles per hour) and receive angular velocity results in convenient units like rad/s or °/s. 3.

Angular velocity is a fundamental concept in physics and engineering that describes the rate of change of an object's angular position with respect to time. It is a crucial parameter in various fields, including mechanics, robotics, and astronomy.

For example, to convert RPM to angular velocity in \text {rad/s} rad/s, you need to multiply it by approximately 0.10472 0.10472. You can use the unit converter directly from our angular velocity calculator for that purpose.


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